Friday 2 October 2009


timber is wood that has been cut down and then processed
a lumber is where the treee has just been harvest
the twn types of wood are hardwoods and soft woods
annual rings gives u a idea of how old the tree is
1 anual ring is 1 year of growth
wood is fiberous fibers run along the length
of the trunk
55%tree is celluous and 28%is resin

prosses from lumbering to wood
harvesting cutting tree down
connversion cutting trunk to boards
seasoning redusing mouisture content
board preperation sawing size par (planning all round)

slab or plain sawing uses the whole tree but wood may curve slightly
quater saw timber more waste less stable less reliable and warp and twist
par planned all round square edge

things to cosider with wood
phisical strength
operating conditions
sustainability/enviromental issues fse (forestry steward ship concil)
size of boards avalible

2 main types to dry woods
air drying is cheep easy but takes a long time
kiln drying alot faster fast tern around but expensive
hardwoods come from deciduous tree
soft wood come from conivourous trees.

ash beach oak teak walnut

softwoods scotspine larch spruce

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