Friday 2 October 2009


somthing that's built up of layers is laminated

the prosses of joining the layers together is called laminated
plastic laminated is made of composite layers of papper and plastic
wood is laminated sometimes so you can bend it into shapes
there are 2 main methods how to laminat woods
laminating using a male and female moulds
laminating using a vacume bag of vacume frame
it take about an hour to steam bend 25mm ash approxmately
an alternative way of making curved sections of wood is

steam bending

ash is the most common material used in steam bending

the primary attribut of bent wood is that its grain runs continuosly along its entier length. if the bendis made across more than 1 axis the timber will be twisted to align to the grain

the main advantage of berch wood is it strength which means parts are lighter

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